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Features and Functions

The Engage Process platform has over 30 features and functionalities to help you reach your goals.

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Choose what you want to do below to filter features that are best suited to your goals.


Modeler: The Modeler is the "drag & drop" process mapping tool in Engage Process. Here you can create and design your AS IS (current) and TO BE (future) processes, specifically designed to include all team members in the process discussion. 

  • Analysis
    Integrated calculation functions help you see the impact of improvements and suggestions in your processes. Show/Hide® and SwitchView® functionality allow you to create different views of the process. 
  • Compare Processes
    Visualize process improvements and compare the AS IS and TO BE process maps. The comparison function shows detail from each process side-by-side, providing clear insights to all stakeholders involved in decision making.
  • Import

    Engage Process allows for import of BPMN2.0 based process maps created by other applications like BPMOne, MS Visio and others. After import these can be further enriched and improved in Engage Process. The import function helps at onboarding Engage Process without process mapping work from the past getting lost. 

  • Reports
    The powerful reporting function is where tables, processes and process steps are combined to provide information overviews. Instantly create reports from your process input and monitor everything from compliance and process improvement to GDPR registers and more. 
  • Upload
    Attach documents to a process step for further explanation and instruction, linking additional detail to maintain and access in one place.
  • Version Control
    Mapping a process often goes through multiple iterations. Keeping old versions can be important to see how modelling your processes evolves and maintain a record of changes.
  • Properties (Tables)

    A key strength of Engage Process is the ability to enrich each process step with countless customizable properties such as role, cost, duration, waiting time, systems used, GDPR and many more. Tables are for data management where data sets and related information is centrally set up and managed.


Viewer: The Viewer is the read-only tool, or digital handbook, of Engage Process. This allows you to see finalised processes in detail.

The Feedback function allows you to review and comment on works in progress. 


Publisher: Publisher is a design environment in which you can create your digital handbook based on your own brand guidelines and navigation structure.

Admin Center

The place in Engage Process where you define system and user settings, customizing the platform for your organization.

  • Custom Icons
    Engage Process is well known for its intuitive and custom icons for every process step. This allows all employees to understand process maps without the need for special training. Create your own set of icons to match your business or illustration style.
  • Integrate DMS

    Process steps get richer by connecting them to work instructions or other reference materials from your DMS (document management system), or other resources online, making them accessible in the digital handbook.

  • Single Sign-on
    Once logged-in to your company network, users have direct access to all Engage Process functions they are authorized for.
  • Tables
    Manage and structure your properties throughout the platform. Use properties in the Modeler to enrich and assign process steps and reporting options. Tables sit at the core of Engage Process to configure and support all process management functionality.
Knowledge Center

Provides guidelines, manuals, best practice examples and configurations to help get you up and running quickly.

  • Resources

    A rich library of customer case studies and white papers to help build knowledge of process management, share ideas and demonstrate the impact of using Engage Process. Our library of recorded webinars featuring customers and partners as they share experiences and best practices.

  • Configurations

    Engage Process enables organisations to design processes and bring organisations closer to their goals. In addition to customising your platform configurations, the Knowledge Center contains example configurations for initiatives such as GDPR, Risk & Compliance, In Control Statements and more.

  • Example Library
    Many of our customers and partners have designed process maps for a variety of purposes. You can access these via the Knowledge Center for inspiration, or to download and repurpose for your organisation.

Teamboard is the task-based collaboration platform, or scrum board. Manage projects, tasks and to-do lists together with your teams. Teamboard items can be linked to processes and process steps.

Seeing is believing

Submit a form to start your 30 day trial. Easily map and analyse your processes to drive improvements across the organisation.


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